As safe as necessary, as eventful as possible – that’s what the reunion after the second Corona summer was supposed to look like for the northern German Telekom employees. To be able to meet each other again in person after the lockdowns and long home office hours and to exchange ideas directly. For this purpose, we used our new off-location in a Bremen industrial monument (“Alte Werft”), which combines pandemic-suitable framework conditions and spectacular staging.
On 2,500 m2 JOKE had already prepared equipment and staging for a wide variety of event formats, which could also be rented. Here, for 125 live participants on each of two consecutive days, both safe, live encounters with sufficient distancing and various programme points were possible, allowing for morning get-togethers to conference programmes to evening chill-outs.
Telekom’s communication professionals took advantage of the potential of hybrid communication and connected a total of 1,000 colleagues online for the content-driven segments of the programme.
We implemented the whole thing as a 360° job, from project management to technology with digitalisation / hybridisation to corona security, including a spectacular, pandemic-appropriate location. In the Alte Werft, a former shipyard in Bremen’s “Überseestadt” – the harbour is safe for live and hybrid events even in these dynamic times.