Nordic by Nature & Crazy by Live Communication – when these come together, even a traditional event like the North German “Kohltour” (a traditional outing with kale meal) takes a whole new approach. In the spirit of a culture-creating, team-building experience, JOKE employees from all German locations met to celebrate the Next-Level Kohltour together.
When it’s cold in the north and the days get shorter, people living there get funny ideas: they equip handcarts with fuel, snacks and silly games and set off in small groups. They set off in small groups on the long, cold and damp road to kale, pinkel, Kasseler and Korn. The journey is the destination and the trolley the most important companion.
As a leading agency for live communication, we had to deal with this topic. We wanted to understand our fellow human beings and carry the North German virtues into the world (or rather into the other JOKE locations). We wanted to feel the fascination of one of the most important formats of early live communication, transfer it and – it was time – just do it right.
So, in the run-up to Christmas, many hard-working JOKiEs got together and built a handcart that fulfilled every wish. The 1,5 tonne device was agile only to a certain extent, but multifunctional and highly emotional.